Buckshot Roulette

About Buckshot Roulette

Buckshot Roulette was released on December 29, 2023, at itch.io. Buckshot Roulette is a horror game that contains a deadly element of chance. Your mission is to confront The Dealer to find an opportunity to survive for yourself. Buckshot Roulette is a recreation of the classic Russian roulette game. The game takes place in an underground nightclub. Instead of facing a revolver, you will be facing a 12-gauge shotgun.

How to Play Buckshot Roulette Online Game

Buckshot Roulette unfolds over three nerve-wracking rounds. To start each round, The Dealer loads the shotgun with a mix of live red shells and grey blanks. Players must decide whether to shoot themselves or The Dealer. If a live shell is fired, the target loses a life; if it's a blank, the player either continues or forfeits the shotgun to The Dealer. Both players start with a set number of lives, represented by defibrillator charges, which increase with each round. The first player to exhaust all of their defibrillator charges wins the game. The game culminates in a sudden death mode in the final round, where every decision could be your last.

Throughout the game, a cold atmosphere makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Now enter the dark world of Buckshot Roulette, where every pull of the trigger could be your last.

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